How to join

How to apply to become a full member or Associated members

Send a completed application form together with:

  • copies of each of the last five consecutive issues of the bulletin preceding the date of application
  • appropriate, an English translation of two articles from one issue of your bulletin and an English translation of the contents list of each issue
  • membership fee (which will be refunded if the application is not accepted).

The Committee examines applications for admission, checks that the applicant fulfils the requirements and makes a decision to grant or refuse membership. The Committee may request further information to assist it in making its decision.

Membership fee

All members and associate members are required to pay an annual membership fee. A member joining part way through a year will be asked to pay an apportioned part of that year's fee. There are three categories of membership fees to ensure that there is no financial barrier to membership of the society. We suggest contributions depending on the member‘s overall budget. This is not definitive but serves as a guide only. Financial constraints are not a bar to membership of ISDB. Members who cannot afford to pay even the lowest rate of £45 can apply for exemption.

Scale of fees:

Organisation budget

  1. Developing Countries* = € 45
  2. Under 20.000 = € 225
  3. 30.000 and over = € 900

(*) It is possible to apply for exemption when payment (45 €) is difficult.

ISDB has two categories of members: full members who meet all membership requirements as set out in the Constitution; and associate members.

Full members

The main requirements for membership are editorial and financial independence, and the quality of the information published.

A drug bulletin is defined in the Society’s constitution as a periodical concerned with the promotion of rational drug therapy and which is published at least four times a year. At least five issues must have been published to be eligible for membership. Good-quality information is that which helps the user of the information to optimise his/her therapeutic activity in the best interests of the patient. The publication must be produced by an independent editorial team and contains no advertising relating to therapeutic or diagnostic activities. The organisational structure and financial resources must be such as to guarantee the editorial team's independence.

A full member can reproduce the ISDB logo on their publication.

Associate Members status

Institutions or individuals sympathetic to the purposes of de Society, but not qualified to be members, may, at the absolute discretion of the Committee and on payment of the relevant subscription, be given the status of Associate Member of the Society. associate members shall have all the rights and obligations of members except those of voting and of standing for office and use of the Society’s logo.