About ISDB

About the International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB)


The International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB) is a world wide network of bulletins and journals on drugs and therapeutics that are financially and intellectually independent of the pharmaceutical industry. It was founded in 1986, with the support of the WHO Regional Office for Europe.
The rationale for forming ISDB is that a global network ensures that editors of independent drug bulletins can gain from each other's experience and support one another.


The main requirements for membership are editorial and financial independence, and rigorous editorial procedures to ensure the quality of the information published. ISDB has two categories of members: full members who meet all membership requirements as set out in the Constitution; and associate members. Associate members are institutions or individuals who do not meet all criteria for membership, but who are sympathetic to the aims of ISDB.


The overall aim of ISDB is to encourage and assist the development of independent drug bulletins in all countries and to facilitate co-operation amongst them.

ISDB’s priorities are:

  • to help all independent drug bulletins achieve the highest professional standards,
  • to support the development of new drug bulletins,
  • to identify independent drug bulletins that are not part of the ISDB network and develop a relationship with them,
  • to encourage members to help health professionals communicate more effectively with consumers,
  • to work with producers of formularies and people in drug information centres,
  • to campaign for drug regulatory authorities to serve public health first and foremost, and
  • to campaign to maintain the independence of the World Health Organistion, i.e. independence of funding from the pharmaceutical industry.

Work Of the Society

ISDB holds a General Assembly every three years which provides an excellent forum for members to meet and exchange information. In addition, this allows ISDB members to meet with other attendees that are not already part of the ISDB network, such as producers of formularies, people in drug information centres and other publishers of independent drug and therapeutic information.
To help independent drugs bulletins achieve high professional standards, ISDB organises regional workshops where people working on long established bulletins can share their experience with those starting new ones. Such meetings have been held in Algeria, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Philippines, Italy, Holland and Spain.
To support the development of new drug bulletins, ISDB members also host visits from editors starting up new bulletins to help them gain experience.
ISDB publishes a newsletter which is distributed free to all members and recognised correspondents. This newsletter serves:

  • to keep members and associated members informed of current editorial standards for the development of articles and information,
  • to keep members and associated members informed of current issues and activities, and
  • to facilitate communication between members.

Through its meetings, workshops and newsletters, ISDB also encourages and facilitates discussion on sources of information, organisational structure, ways that bulletins can help health professionals communicate more effectively with consumers, financial support for member bulletins, and any other support for bulletins faced with particular difficulties.
To address public health and drug information issues, ISDB has developed links with many relevant organisations involved in a variety of activities and campaigns. Topics of particular interest are: access to information about medicines, including access to unpublished data held by drug regulatory agencies, the increasing influence of transnational corporations on regulatory authorities and the World Health Organization; and the impact of undue promotion by the pharmaceutical industry.
Other ISDB activities include the exchange of information on new drugs, adverse effects, and drug promotion and regulation.