Publications - Documents of interest
April 04, 2023
Documents of interest
ISDB informs you about the pro's and con's of drug treatments related to the current SARS-CoV-19 pandemic. As far as...
May 05, 2021
Covid (EN)
Rational pharmacotherapy in times of pandemic ( Shortened version for ISDB Newsletter of April 2020) Dr. Dick Bijl, 1 Alan...
May 05, 2021
Covid (EN)
THE HOME TREATMENT OF THE COVID-19 PATIENT M. Caeran 1 , M. Font 2 1. Student of Hospital Pharmacy Speciality...
May 30, 2020
Covid (EN)
Among the explored options by the scientific community against the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19), drugs with antiviral activity stand out. This...
May 16, 2020
Covid (FR)
Il y a beaucoup d'incertitude sur la relation entre les inhibiteurs du SRAA et l'évolution du COVID-19. Quelques chercheurs ont...
May 16, 2020
Covid (NL)
Er heerst veel onzekerheid over het verband tussen RAAS-remmers en het verloop van COVID-19. Enkele onderzoekers stelden op 11 maart...
May 07, 2020
Covid (EN)
Among the explored options by the scientific community against the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19), drugs with antiviral activity stand out. This...
April 27, 2020
Covid (EN)
The current SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) coronavirus pandemic is posing many health management challenges with multiple uncertainties. One of the most relevant...