from semptember 12th to september 15th, 2005
Melbourne (Australia)

September 2005, Melbourne (Australia)


Monday, 12 September 2005

ISDB business
Chair: Joe Collier
Reports from the executive group
Treasurer: Andrea Tarr
Secretary: Maria Font

Welcome from Therapeutic Guidelines
Mary Hemming, Chief Executive Officer, Therapeutic Guidelines Limited

The important of rational prescribing and the quality use of medicines
Michael Kidd, President, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Communicating with patients and the public
Chair: Maria Font
Keynote address: The BUKO way
Jorg Schaaber, Pharma-Brief, German

Communicating with patients (symposium)
Chair: Andrew Herxheimer
Rapporteur: Zahed Masud

Experience at Treatment Notes
Sharon Hart, DTB, UK

Experience at Kusuri-no-Check
Keiko Sakaguchi, Kusuri-no-Check, Japan

Developing a German Model
Walter Thimme, Der Arzneimittelbrief, Germany

Launch of ISDB/WHO manual: “Starting or strengthening a drug bulletin: a pratical manual”
Chair: Joe Collier

How ISDB and WHO collaborated to develop a manual
Andrea Tarr, Coordinator, DTB, UK

The ISDB Perspective
Joe Collier, Chair, UK

The WHO Perspective
Susan Hill, WHO

The experience of the manual editorial group
Andrew Herxheimer, UK

Tuesday, 13 September 2005

Quality of bulletins
Chair: Mary Hemming

Keynote address: Critical issues about design
David Whitbread, Grafic Designer, Australia

Workshop: Localising evidence
Chair: Benoit Marchand
Rapporteur: Zahed Masud
Workshop: Choosing articles
Chair: John Dowden
Rapporteur: Sharon Hart

Keynote address: Making words work for you
Andrei Herxheimer, United Kingdom

Critical Appraisal
Chair: Rokuro Hama
Rapporteur: Jorg Schaaber

Criteria for choosing positive advice
Chair: Etzel Gysling
Rapporteur: Pijus Kanti Sarkar

Wednesday, 14 September 2005

Managing a bulletin
Chair: Maria Font

Keynote address: Legal challenges– lessons from Butlletì Groc
Joan-Ramon Laporte, Butlletì Groc, Spain

Managing a bulletin: Sustainability (symposium)
Chair: Kumud Kafle
Rapporteur: Jonathan Dartnell

Managing on a low budget
Pijus Kanti Sarkar, India

Compensating authors and editors
Blanka Pospisilova, Czech Republic

Supporting bulletins in trouble
Maria Font, Italy

Managing a bulletin: Independence
Chair: Hirokuri Beppu
Rapporteur: Sarita Von Afhlt

Keynote address: Independence – the why an how
Christophe Kopp & Florence vandevelde, La Revue Prescrive, France

Independence (symposium)
Communicating with industry
Peter Mansfield, Australia

Relationship whit government
John Dowden, Australia

Relationship whit media
Joe Collier, United Kingdom

Thursday, 15 September 2005

Bulltins in society
Chair: Gita Fernando
Rapporteur: Sri Suryawati

Keynote address: Bulletins as campaigners – involving society
Rokuro Hama, Chairman of NPOJIP publishing Kusuri-no-Check and Deputy Editor, The Informed Prescriber, Japan

Bulletins in medical education

Workshop: Pharmacovigilance
Chair: Wolfgang Becker-Bruser
Rapporteur: John Dowden

Workshop: Filling in the gaps in the evidence
Chair: Andrea Tarr
Rapporteur: Peter Mansfield

Collaborating with WHO on writing reviews on essential medicines: Past and future
Joe Collier

Farmacos (USA-Argentina)
DIC (Kazakhstan)

1. Assessment elsewhere
2. Trasparency indicator