from June 27th to 30th, 2015
Calle Navarrería, 39, 31001 Pamplona

June 2015, Pamplona (Spain)

Program of the ISDB General Assembly Pamplona, Spain, 2015

SATURDAY 27 June 2015
Welcome words by Juan Erviti (General Secretary)
& Jörg Schaaber (President).
Introduction of first-time attendants (5-7 pm)

SUNDAY 28 June 2015
Welcome words by Dr. Ignacio Yurss. Director, Primary
Care Services, Navarre Health Service, Spain
Morning Session Keynote
Plenary - Regulatory challenges.
· EU adaptive licensing (45 min) & US and Canada
Expedited programmes (45 min)
· Conflicts of interest at institutional level (WHO,
scientific advices, patients groups interaction with Drug
Regulatory Agencies) 20 min + 10 min debate.
EU adaptive licensing: Teresa Alves (Prescrire)
US and Canada Expedited programmes: Joel Lexchin, York
University, Toronto, Canada
Conflicts of interest at institutional level. Katrina Perehudoff,
The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), Brussels,
11:00 -11: 30
Coffee break.
11:30 – 13:30
ISDB Activities during last 3 years: Reports from
the President, Treasurer, Secretary, Working Groups
13:30 – 15:30
15:30 – 17:00
Afternoon Session Workshops:
· Sustainability & Continuing medical education.
Therapeutics Initiative, Canada.
· Why and how to develop a subscription-based bulletin.
Mary Hemming. Therapeutics Guidelines.
· Evaluating a bulletin. Juan Erviti. Bit Navarra,
Therapeutics Initiative (speaker to be confirmed).
Mary Hemming. Therapeutics Guidelines.
17:00 -17:30
Coffee break.
17:30 – 19:00
Afternoon Session Workshops:
· Sustainability & Continuing medical education.
Therapeutics Initiative, Canada.
· Why and how to develop a subscription-based bulletin.
Mary Hemming. Therapeutics Guidelines.
· Evaluating a bulletin. Juan Erviti. Bit Navarra,
Therapeutics Initiative (speaker to be confirmed).
Mary Hemming. Therapeutics Guidelines.

MONDAY 29 June 2015
Highlights from previous day.
Morning Session Plenary:
· Trade Agreements & Intellectual Property Rights:
which implications for pharmaceuticals? (60 min)
Thiru Balasubramaniam (Knowledge Ecology
International, KEI)
· Introduction to RIAT (45 min): Restoring Invisible and
Abandoned Trials project & access to unredacted
clinical study reports (CSR). Tom Jefferson. Cochrane
collaboration, Rome, Italy.
11:30 -12:00
Coffee break.
12:00 – 13:30
· How to get a hold of clinical data from regulatory
agencies and what to do with it. Peter Gøtzsche.
Director of the Nordic Cochrane Centre.
· Case study on transparency. Vortioxetine
(antidepressant), have we solved the problem of
incomplete publication of pre-market trials? (Barbara
Mintzes, Sidney University, Australia)
13:30 – 15:30
15:30 – 17:00
Afternoon Session Workshops:
· Do not use list of drugs. Wolfgang Becker-Brüser
(Arznei-telegramm), Dick Bijl (Artsennet) and
Christophe Kopp (Prescrire)
· Social media and podcasts. David Phizackerley (DTB)
· Sharing experiences in educating children about
medicines. Natalia Cebotarenco, Isidro Sia, Benoit
Marchand, ISDB committee members.
17:00 – 17:30
Coffee break,
17:30 – 19:00
Afternoon Session
Voting on the ISDB Constitution’s amendment on
conflicts of interest.
ISDB Committee Elections,
Recently elected ISDB Committee Meeting meets,

TUESDAY 30 June 2015
Highlights from previous day including workshops,
Rx Risk (30 min). Dee Mangin. McMaster University,
Pricing & reimbursement (60 min). Juan Rovira.
Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
11:00 -11: 30
Coffee break.
11:30 – 13:30
ISDB Committee Priorities & Members Forum (ongoing
campaigns, initiatives, posters, etc)
13:30 – 15:30
15:30 – 17:00
· Do not use list of drugs. Wolfgang Becker-Brüser
· Social media and podcasts. David Phizackerley (DTB)
· Sharing experiences in educating children about
medicines. Natalia Cebotarenco, Isidro Sia, Benoit
Marchand, ISDB committee members.
17:00 – 17:30
Coffee break.
17:30 – 19:00
Closing Plenary: Overdiagnosis & Overtreatment
(disease mongering). Open lecture to students, doctors,
etc. Peter Gøtzsche. Director of the Nordic Cochrane
Closing remarks from new President and Mrs Marta Vera,
Minister of Health of the Government of Navarre.
Dinner. Restaurant Nire Etxea
Calle Mercaderes, 14, 31001 Pamplona

9:30 – 13:30
The Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
Development and Evaluation. A sensible and transparent
approach to grading quality of evidence and strength of
2 concurrent workshops (one in English, one in Spanish)
Javier Garjón. Bit Navarra (Spanish)
Therapeutics initiative (English)