December 2008, Matagalpa (Nicaragua)
- Moderators introduce the aim of the session and relate it to the “ISDB programme for promoting independent information”, which is the main thread of this General Assembly.
- Parallel workshops are reported in plenary sessions (secretaries make reports and write main messages on flipcharts), and are followed by debate. Plenary sessions will feature short presentations and debate.
- All workshops are an opportunity for members to exchange experiences and should produce sensible and practical output for ISDB members and the next Committee.
- All talks should include lively examples.
- Moderators make conclusions and proposals for ISDB bulletins and ISDB as a society.
- Participants (particularly those who will present short presentations/reports) are encouraged to present posters.
Sunday 30 November (Day 0) | ||
Registration | Committee meeting to complete organization of the GA | |
Monday 1 December (Day 1) | ||
8.30-10.00 | Welcome
ISDB Executive Committee report Launch of GA 2008 | |
10.00-10.30 | Coffee break | |
10.30-12.00 | News from ISDB regions: report of regional coordinators
Presentation of the new ISDB members: | |
12.00-13.30 | Lunch | |
13.30-15.00 | New challenges and perspectives for information independent of drug and device industry Introduction by moderator: Maria Font | |
15.00-16.00 | Walking and discussing in small groups (4-5 people): with one message back to plenary on what is the most pressing issue and challenge | |
16.00-16.15 | Coffee Brek | |
16.15-18.00 | Addressing these new challenges Introduction by moderator: Tim Reed; Secretary: Renee Vasbinder 16.15/16.30: Messages from the walk (+ on flipcharts) 16.30/17.00: Proposals from different perspectives: Zahed Masud; Nuria Homedes, Barbara Mintzes 17.00 – 17.30: Discussion 17.30 – 18.00: Conclusion and proposals for ISDB bulletins and ISDB as a society: Tim Reed and Jorg Schaaber | |
19.00 Bus leaves evening | Special welcome to Nicaragua (20’ from Selva Negra): local food, drinks, dance, songs, theatre | |
Tuesday 2 December (Day 2) | ||
8.30-8.40 | Introducing the day’s programme Presentation of workshops by Jörg Schaaber | |
8.40-10.10 | A) ISDB and issues of conflict of interest Moderator: Wolf D. Ludwig Speaker: Christophe Kopp Secretary: Carol Norquay | |
B) Why do drug prices matter? Moderator: Philip Sax Secretary: Isodro Sia Speaker: Tim Reed (HAI), Walter Thimme | ||
C) Critical appraisal of drug promotion: good sources and methods Moderator: Claudia Vacca Secretary: Iñigo Aizpurua Speakers: David Menkes (HS); Barbara Mintzes | ||
Report: why do drug prices matter? Conclusion and proposal | ||
10.10-10.30 | Coffee Brek | |
10.30-12.00 | Reporting back in plenary session Moderator: Benoit Marchand Reports for each workshop by secretaries (5’ to 10’) followed by discussion (15’) | |
12.00-13.30 | Lunch | |
13.30-15.15 | Critical appraisal of practice guidelines Plenary session Introduction by moderator: Iñigo Aizpurua Secretary: Carol Norquay Speakers on the systems that can help to appraise guidelines (AGREE, GRADE): Paola Mosquera (RED IBEROAMERICANA-GPC) Ciprian Jauca (Therapeutics Initiative) Discussion: sharing experiences, raising questions, relevance to practice and context among different regions Conclusion by moderator Critical appraisal of practice guidelines | |
15.15-15.45 | Coffee Brek | |
15.45-16.45 | Short reports in plenary
| |
16.45-17.45 | New Committee election Moderator: Maria Font Secretary: Christophe Kopp | |
17.45-19.00 | New + Previous Committee meeting; Election of president, secretary and treasurer. Setting priorities and distributing tasks. | |
Evening | “Free” evening Down town Matagalpa (30’) for those who want to have dinner outside Selva Negra and know a little bit of Matagalpa | |
Wednesday 3 December (Day 3) | ||
8.30-8.45 | Introducing the day’s programme Clotaire Nanga | |
8.45 – 10.25 | Plenary sesión Continuing education experiences Moderator: Martin Cañas Secretary: Renee Vasbinder Speakers: Zahed Masud; Clotaire Nanga; Benoît Marchand; Christophe Kopp; Wolfgang Becker-Brüser (10 minutes each) Discussion Conclusion by moderator | |
10.25-10.45 | Coffee Brek | |
10.45-12.45 | Informing and working with consumers: sharing experiences Plenary session Introduction by moderator: Barbara Mintzes Secretary: Zahed Masud Speakers: Wolfgang Becker Brüser (Gute Pillen - Schlechte Pillen Germany) Andrew Herxheimer (DIPEX - UK) Natalia Cebotarenco (Moldova) Discussion Conclusion by moderator | |
12.45-14.00 | Lunch | |
14.00-15.30 | Lobbying regulators and decision makers Introduction by moderator: Roberto López Secretary: Blanka Pospisilova Speakers: Jörg Schaaber (Pharma-Brief - Germany); Claudia Vacca (Boletin de Farmacovigilancia - Colombia) Ciprian Jauca (Therapeutic Initiative) Discussion Conclusion by moderator | |
15.30-16.00 | Coffee Brek | |
16.00-17.30 | Parallel workshops:
| |
17.30-18.30 | New committee meeting | |
Social event | Closing evening: dinner, drinks, sharing something from each country (song, dance, theatre, joke, musical instruments available) | |
Thursday 4 December (Day 4) | ||
8.30-8.45 | Introducing the day’s programme Natalia Cebotarenco | |
8.40-9.10 | Introducing selected posters | |
9.10-10.40 | Collaboration among ISDB bulletins
| |
10.40-11.00 | Coffee Brek | |
11.50-12.30 | Reporting in Plenary Session Conclusion of the GA: |