from november 30th to december 4th , 2008
Matagalpa (Nicaragua)

December 2008, Matagalpa (Nicaragua)


  1. Moderators introduce the aim of the session and relate it to the “ISDB programme for promoting independent information”, which is the main thread of this General Assembly.
  2. Parallel workshops are reported in plenary sessions (secretaries make reports and write main messages on flipcharts), and are followed by debate. Plenary sessions will feature short presentations and debate.
  3. All workshops are an opportunity for members to exchange experiences and should produce sensible and practical output for ISDB members and the next Committee.
  4. All talks should include lively examples.
  5. Moderators make conclusions and proposals for ISDB bulletins and ISDB as a society.
  6. Participants (particularly those who will present short presentations/reports) are encouraged to present posters.


Sunday 30 November (Day 0)

RegistrationCommittee meeting to complete organization of the GA

Monday 1 December (Day 1)



  • by ISDB President (Maria Font) (also moderator)
  • by host team, presenting AIS-COIME activities (Benoît Marchand)

ISDB Executive Committee report
Report on the activities done during these 3 years (2005-2008) followed by questions and answers (Maria Font, Christophe Kopp, Jörg Schaaber)

Launch of GA 2008
Explanation of the coming days’ programme related to “ISDB programme for promoting independent information” by ISDB President (Maria Font)

10.00-10.30Coffee break  

News from ISDB regions: report of regional coordinators
Moderator: Inigo Aizpurua
Review of activities in the region, challenges and difficulties, actions undertaken with results (e.g. Bogota meeting, training of junior editors)

  • Africa
  • Middle East
  • Asia & Pacific
  • Latin America
  • Europe

Presentation of the new ISDB members:
BIT Navarra, Pharmakon, Boletín de farmacovigilancia, Boletin de información terapéutica Cuba, Notas Farmacoterapéuticas, MEDEX Moldova, Drugs and medicine Armenia, Farmacos Costa Rica, Correo de AIS Peru, Minerva, Pacchetti informativi sui farmaci, BIP, Projekt Farmaka: number of issues, contents, financing, circulation, needs and expectations with ISDB

12.00-13.30 Lunch    

New challenges and perspectives for information independent of drug and device industry
Session mainly based on the programme for promoting independent information

Introduction by moderator: Maria Font
Secretary: Dulce Calvo
Speakers introducing the debate: Gianni Tognoni, Amitava Guha, Ciprian Jauca 

15.00-16.00Walking and discussing in small groups (4-5 people): with one message back to plenary on what is the most pressing issue and challenge
16.00-16.15Coffee Brek  
16.15-18.00Addressing these new challenges        
Introduction by moderator: Tim  Reed; Secretary: Renee Vasbinder
16.15/16.30: Messages from the walk (+ on flipcharts)
16.30/17.00: Proposals from different perspectives: Zahed Masud; Nuria Homedes, Barbara Mintzes
17.00 – 17.30: Discussion
17.30 – 18.00: Conclusion and proposals for ISDB bulletins and ISDB as a society: Tim Reed and Jorg Schaaber
19.00 Bus leaves eveningSpecial welcome to Nicaragua
(20’ from Selva Negra): local food, drinks, dance, songs, theatre

Tuesday 2 December (Day 2)

8.30-8.40Introducing the day’s programme 
Presentation of workshops by Jörg Schaaber
8.40-10.10A) ISDB  and issues of conflict of interest
Moderator: Wolf D. Ludwig
Speaker: Christophe Kopp
Secretary: Carol Norquay
B) Why do drug prices matter?
Moderator: Philip Sax Secretary: Isodro Sia
Speaker: Tim Reed (HAI), Walter Thimme
C) Critical appraisal of drug promotion: good sources and methods
Moderator: Claudia Vacca
Secretary: Iñigo Aizpurua
Speakers: David Menkes (HS); Barbara Mintzes
Report: why do drug prices matter?
Conclusion and proposal
10.10-10.30Coffee Brek    
10.30-12.00Reporting back in plenary session 
Moderator: Benoit Marchand
Reports for each workshop by secretaries (5’ to 10’) followed  by discussion
13.30-15.15Critical appraisal of practice guidelines
Plenary session
Introduction by moderator: Iñigo Aizpurua
Secretary: Carol Norquay
Speakers on the systems that can help to appraise guidelines (AGREE, GRADE): Paola Mosquera (RED IBEROAMERICANA-GPC) Ciprian Jauca (Therapeutics Initiative)

Discussion: sharing experiences, raising questions, relevance to practice and context among different regions

Conclusion by moderator    
Critical appraisal of practice guidelines
15.15-15.45Coffee Brek

Short reports in plenary
Moderator: Anita Conforti
Presentations (10’+ 10’ discussion)

  • Italian research about antidepressant use (Gianni Tognoni)
  • Ethics and drugs (Nuria Homedes)
  • Reader survey from Sri lanka (Priyadarshani Galappatthy)    
16.45-17.45 New Committee election
Moderator: Maria Font
Secretary: Christophe Kopp   
17.45-19.00  New + Previous Committee meeting;
Election of president, secretary and treasurer. 
Setting priorities and distributing tasks. 
Evening“Free” evening
Down town Matagalpa (30’) for those who want to have dinner outside Selva Negra and know a little bit of Matagalpa

Wednesday 3 December (Day 3)

8.30-8.45Introducing the day’s programme
Clotaire Nanga
8.45 – 10.25   Plenary sesión
Continuing education experiences
Moderator:  Martin Cañas
Secretary: Renee Vasbinder
Speakers: Zahed Masud; Clotaire Nanga; Benoît Marchand; Christophe Kopp; Wolfgang Becker-Brüser (10 minutes each)
Conclusion by moderator    
10.25-10.45 Coffee Brek    
10.45-12.45    Informing and working with consumers: sharing experiences
Plenary session
Introduction by moderator: Barbara Mintzes
Secretary: Zahed Masud
Speakers: Wolfgang Becker Brüser (Gute Pillen - Schlechte Pillen Germany) Andrew Herxheimer (DIPEX - UK) Natalia Cebotarenco (Moldova)
Conclusion by moderator    

14.00-15.30Lobbying regulators and decision makers
Introduction by moderator: Roberto López
Secretary: Blanka Pospisilova
Speakers: Jörg Schaaber (Pharma-Brief - Germany); Claudia Vacca (Boletin de Farmacovigilancia - Colombia) Ciprian Jauca (Therapeutic Initiative)
Conclusion by moderator    
15.30-16.00Coffee Brek 

Parallel workshops:

  • Priority issues for developing countries
    Moderator: Amitava Guha Secretary: Nuria Homedes Speakers: Roberto López, Natalia Cebotarenco, Priya Galappatthy   
  • EU legislative proposal on DTCA:
    Global implications
    Moderator: Christophe Kopp Secretary: Blanka Popsilova
    Speakers: Tim Reed, Barbara Mintzes
17.30-18.30  New committee meeting
Social event Closing evening: dinner, drinks, sharing something from each country (song, dance, theatre, joke, musical instruments available)

Thursday 4 December (Day 4)

8.30-8.45    Introducing the day’s programme
Natalia Cebotarenco    
8.40-9.10    Introducing selected posters

Collaboration among ISDB bulletins
2 workshops in parallel

  • Collaboration for assessment of new drugs
    Moderator: Iñigo Aizpurua 
    Secretary: : Ciprian Jauca
    Speakers: Juan Erviti, Anita Conforti
  • How to improve bulletin quality and impact? Difficulties and needs of support
    Moderator: Benoît Marchand Secretary: Roberto Lopez
    Speakers: Claudia Vacca, Dulce Calvo, Clotaire Nanga; Carol Norquay
10.40-11.00 Coffee Brek    


Reporting in Plenary Session
by secretaries (5’ for each workshop)
followed by discussion (20’)

Conclusion of the GA:
Introduction by the ISDB President of the new Committee and presentation of a working plan and  Proposals for bulletins and for ISDB as a society.                  

Closing words by host organisation (Benoît Marchand)