Category: Publications

Statement: COVID-19 [EN]

COVID-19 and the quest for drugs and vaccines: Statement from the International Society of Drug Bulletins

The COVID-19 pandemic has called for all hands on deck worldwide. Evoking worst-case scenarios such as the Spanish flu of 1918, and the pandemic of the Mexican flu of 2009-2010, people are


ISDB General Assembly Paris 2019

The definite program of the General Assembly of ISDB to be held in Paris October 10th until 12th 2019 is ready (link) and the registration is open. All full and associated members have received an e-mail with the link to the registration form. Please register as soon as possible.


Cochrane’s sinking ship and conflicts of interest

Cochrane’s sinking ship and conflicts of interest

  We believe Cochrane is a key source of scientific evidence on diagnostic and therapeutic medical issues. The very recent expulsion of Peter Gøtzsche from the Cochrane Board and subsequent retirement of four Board members have great impact on the existence of this organisation. Beside issues mentioned by other authors1-3 we believe this crisis is a good opportunity to fix a big problem raised by Peter Gøtzsche and others about Cochrane’s conflict of interest policy.